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Licensed Reiki Master Teacher
Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master

Usui/Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master
Animal Reiki Master
Certified Medical Reiki Master
ThetaHealing® Practitioner
Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) Practitioner

Personal Empowerment Teacher
Certified Crystal Healer (CCH) / Practitioner
HeartMath Certified Mentor

Thank you for coming to The Peace Room.


The Peace Room began as space for quiet, personal meditation, as well as a place to share a cup of tea with close friends. Eventually, as my Reiki practice grew, The Peace Room evolved into a sanctuary filled with the universal light and love of Reiki and crystal energy.


I'm Jenny Stinson, and my intention is to spread the light of Reiki in the world.

The inspiration behind starting The Peace Room comes from a deeply personal and transformative experience within our own family. My uncle, a retired Catholic priest, was diagnosed with cancer and chose to receive Reiki treatments as part of his healing journey. Through Reiki, he experienced remarkable improvement, ultimately curing himself of the disease. Witnessing the profound effect that Reiki had on his physical and emotional well-being sparked a passion within me. This powerful experience motivated me to create The Peace Room, a space dedicated to offering others the same opportunity for healing, balance, and inner peace through Reiki energy.

I have been both a teacher and a student my whole life. Whether it is teaching in an official capacity, sharing what I have learned with my grandkids, or taking a community education or online course, it’s just what

I do.


My education began when I was born. Some very early memories revolve around the built-in bookshelf in the hall of my childhood home. Even before I could read, I would choose a book and sit by the floor furnace and pretend that I was reading. I would make up stories of what I had read and share them with my younger brother or my mom. One set of books that I remember was a series of Dale Carnegie books. It’s no wonder that later in life I taught adults these principles as a Dale Carnegie instructor.


In my first career, I taught high school students. They thought they were taking English classes, but it was much more than literature, grammar, and writing. They learned who they were – some more than others, as we are all on our own path of learning.


After I left the public school classroom, I began learning and teaching in many different areas. I got certified in Jack Canfield’s Facilitator Skills Intensive Training, Ed Foreman’s Successful Life Course, HeartMath, Crystal Healing and Vibrational Healing with Victoria Vives Khuong of Reiki Wellbeing, Crystal Inner Circle Crystal Healer program, Sage Goddess Crystal Masters program, and Ashley Leavy's Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy.  I am also a graduate of Denise Nygard’s Spiritual Mastery classes.


My Reiki training began in Boise, Idaho, with Denise Aggen at The Serenity Soul Center with Usui Reiki Ryoho I & II. Later I re-certified in Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki I & II and Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki ART/Master with ICRT Licensed Reiki Master Teachers Laurelle Gaia and Michael Baird of Infinite Light Healing Studies Center in Sedona, Arizona. I continued my studies with ICRT Licensed Reiki Master Teacher Colleen Benelli of Reiki Lifestyle in Portland, Oregon, with whom I received my Karuna Reiki® Master and my Animal Reiki Level I & II certifications. I earned my Animal Reiki Master certification with Pam LeBlanc of Hiddenbrook Farm in New Brunswick, Canada. In October 2022, I trained under Raven Keyes and became a Certified Medical Reiki Master (CMRM) teacher through the Raven Keyes Reiki Medical International (RKMRI).  I am a professional member of the International Center for Reiki Training.

My most recent training includes Advanced Reiki Drumming  and Crystal Reiki with Chellie and Mike Kammermeyer of Innercompass Reiki in Lincoln City, Oregon. Two new non-Reiki trainings I have learned are Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) with Diane Shewmaker of Celestial Wellbeing in Olympia, Washington, and ThetaHealing® with Cathy Kearns of Reiki Renewal in Boise. 


I am a Licensed Reiki Master teacher (LRMT) with the ICRT.  This advanced training program involved over 1000 hours of study and practice and was specifically designed for Reiki Masters who have chosen to dedicate themselves to the teaching and practice of Reiki at the highest level. 


Many years ago, I heard Wayne Dyer say that he woke up every day and asked the same question: “How may I serve?” I’m sure that it was not original with Wayne and that I had heard it before, but at that moment, it was exactly what I was supposed to hear. So, I adopted the same practice.


It is my intention to share something with those of you who are seeking. We’re all looking for something, and sometimes we don’t even know what that is. The right people, books, situations, even challenges, tend to show up in our lives at precisely the right time. There are no coincidences. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. 


  • You’re here reading this because you have awakened to something within yourself.

  • You’re here because you are already on a life path that is leading you to learn more, be more, do more.

  • You’re here because there may be something that you’re supposed to "hear" right now.


We are all connected. You know this. When we are on a path of love and service for and with others, there is no way that we can get lost. Hope to see you on the path.


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Jenny Stinson - The Peace Room - 6310 W Plantation Lane, Boise, ID 83703 - 312.316.5236

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